山梨大学 医学部 解剖学システム生物学教室 篠原研究室



Koketsu S, Matsubara K, Ueki Y, Shinohara Y, Inoue K, Murakami S, Ueki T

“The defects of the hippocampal ripples and theta rhythm in depression, and the effects of physical exercise on their amelioration.”

Heliyon 10 (1) e23738 (2024)


Shinohara Y, Kohara K

“Projections of hippocampal CA2 pyramidal neurons: Distinct innervation patterns of CA2 compared to CA3 in rodents.”

Hippocampus 33 (6) 691-699 (2023)


Tanaka M*, Wang X*, Mikoshiba K, Hirase H, Shinohara Y.

“Rearing-environment-dependent hippocampal local field potential differences in wildtype and inositol trisphosphate receptor type 2 knockout mice.”

J Physiol 595.20 6557-6568 (2017)


Shinohara Y, Hosoya A, Hirase H

“Experience enhances gamma oscillations and formation of interhemispheric asymmetry in the hippocampus.”

Nat. Commun. 4: 1652 (2013) 


Shinohara Y 

“Quantification of postsynaptic density proteins: glutamate receptor subunits and scaffolding proteins.” 

Hippocampus. 22(5), 942-953 (2012)

Shinohara Y, Hosoya A, Yamasaki N, Ahmed H, Hattori S, Eguchi M, Yamaguchi S, Miyakawa T, Hirase H, Shigemoto R. 

“Right-hemispheric dominance of spatial memory in split-brain mice.”

Hippocampus. 22(2), 117-121. (2012)

Shinohara Y, Hosoya A, Yahagi K, Ferecskó AS, Yaguchi K, Sík A, Itakura M, Takahashi M, Hirase H.

“Hippocampal CA3 and CA2 have distinct bilateral innervation patterns to CA1 in rodents.”

Eur J Neurosci. 35(5), 702-710 (2012)


Shinohara Y, Yahagi K, Kawano M, Nishiyori H, Kawazu C, Suzuki N, Manabe R, Hirase H.

“miRNA profiling of bilateral rat hippocampal CA3 by deep sequencing.” 

Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 409(2), 293-298. (2011)


Shinohara Y, Hirase H

“Size and receptor densities of glutamatergic synapses: A viewpoint of left-right asymmetry of CA3-CA1 connections.”

Front Neuroanat. 3:10 (2009)


Shinohara Y, Hirase H, Watanabe M, Itakura M, Takahashi M, and Shigemoto R. 

“Left-right asymmetry of the hippocampal synapses with differential subunit allocation of glutamate receptors.”

PNAS 105 (49), 19487-19502 (2008)


Wu Y, Kawakami R, Shinohara Y, Fukaya M, Sakimura K, Mishina M, Watanabe M, Ito I, Shigemoto R.

“Target-cell-specific left-right asymmetry of NMDA receptor content in schaffer collateral synapses in epsilon1/NR2A knock-out mice.”

J. Neurosci. 25 (40), 9213-9226 (2005)


*Kawakami R, *Shinohara Y, Kato Y, Sugiyama H, Shigemoto R, Ito I. 

“Asymmetrical allocation of NMDA receptor epsilon2 subunits in hippocampal circuitry.”

Science 300 (5621), 990-994 (2003)